Español ⚑
En nuestra tierra existe una leyenda que conocemos por gracia del obispo de León D. Luis Almarcha.
En nuestra tierra existe una leyenda que conocemos por gracia del obispo de León D. Luis Almarcha.
Durante el sitio que Pedro el Cruel mantuvo a Orihuela en la
guerra de los dos Pedros, envió a un emisario a parlamentar con el objetivo de
conseguir nuestra rendición.
Los oriolanos, sin fiarse aún del enviado por su enemigo le
vendaron los ojos y lo metieron en el canto foral que está situado detrás de
la calle de arriba muy cerca del Colegio Santo Domingo.
Los huecos de la piedra horadada estaban tapados con tupidas
cortinas. Y al quitarle la venda al emisario este creyó que lo habían hecho
prisionero y dejado a solas en el interior de una mazmorra.
Indignado se puso a gritar a los cuatro vientos que su señor
lo vengaría ante aquel insulto.
Entonces los oriolanos descorrieron todas las cortinas y le
mostraron el esplendor de toda la comarca.
El castellano, se sintió entonces mucho más molesto y a la
pregunta de cual era el nuevo motivo de su indignación este respondió:
- Porque vuestro canto
foral tiene un balcón más hermoso que todos los de mi reino y esta verdad
deberé comunicarla a mi señor aún a riesgo de sufrir su enfado.
El Señor de Orihuela se quedó un instante pensativo y respondió:
- Decidle a vuestro
rey que mientras quede en Orihuela una espada sin romper no pisará jamás este
Una vez que la ciudad fue vencida, el rey quiso añadir a su escudo lo de "vuestras espadas siempre han prevalecido" y respetando el juramento de los oriolanos se comprometió a no pisar el balcón añadiendo que "su nombre de Foral será recuerdo del Fuero privilegiado que doy a Orihuela...
Una vez que la ciudad fue vencida, el rey quiso añadir a su escudo lo de "vuestras espadas siempre han prevalecido" y respetando el juramento de los oriolanos se comprometió a no pisar el balcón añadiendo que "su nombre de Foral será recuerdo del Fuero privilegiado que doy a Orihuela...
English ⚑
In our land there is a legend that we know by the grace of the bishop of Leon D. Luis Almarcha.
During the site that Pedro the Cruel maintained to Orihuela in the war of the two Pedros, sent an emissary to parliamentar with the objective of obtaining our surrender.
Oriolans, without even trusting the one sent by his enemy, blindfolded him and put him in the foral that is located behind the street above very close to the Santo Domingo School.
The hollows of the pierced stone were covered with thick curtains. And when he took the band to the emissary, he believed that he had been taken prisoner and left alone in a dungeon.
Outraged he shouted to the four winds that his lord would avenge him at that insult.
Then, Oriolans uncorked all the curtains and showed the splendor of the whole region.
The Castilian, was then much more annoyed and the question of what was the new reason for his indignation this replied:
-"Because your charter has a more beautiful balcony than all of my kingdom, and this truth I must convey to my lord even at the risk of suffering his anger."
The Lord of Orihuela thought for a moment and replied:
-"Tell your king that while there is an unbroken sword in Orihuela, he will never step on this balcony."
Once the town was defeated, the king wanted to add to his shield the "your swords have always prevailed" and respecting the oath of the Oriolans promised not to step on the balcony adding that "his name of Foral will be a reminder of the privileged Jurisdiction That I give to Orihuela ...
During the site that Pedro the Cruel maintained to Orihuela in the war of the two Pedros, sent an emissary to parliamentar with the objective of obtaining our surrender.
Oriolans, without even trusting the one sent by his enemy, blindfolded him and put him in the foral that is located behind the street above very close to the Santo Domingo School.
The hollows of the pierced stone were covered with thick curtains. And when he took the band to the emissary, he believed that he had been taken prisoner and left alone in a dungeon.
Outraged he shouted to the four winds that his lord would avenge him at that insult.
Then, Oriolans uncorked all the curtains and showed the splendor of the whole region.
The Castilian, was then much more annoyed and the question of what was the new reason for his indignation this replied:
-"Because your charter has a more beautiful balcony than all of my kingdom, and this truth I must convey to my lord even at the risk of suffering his anger."
The Lord of Orihuela thought for a moment and replied:
-"Tell your king that while there is an unbroken sword in Orihuela, he will never step on this balcony."
Once the town was defeated, the king wanted to add to his shield the "your swords have always prevailed" and respecting the oath of the Oriolans promised not to step on the balcony adding that "his name of Foral will be a reminder of the privileged Jurisdiction That I give to Orihuela ...
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